Blazing Star and a Tiny Admirer
Blazing Star and a Tiny Admirer

“Look-alikes” Part I

If you had a silver sword and a fairy slipper, what would you do with them? They sound like magical objects in a fairy tale. But you could plant them in your garden . . . because they are both flowers.

Six of these “look-alike” plants are pictured below. After studying their shapes and colors, try to guess their names. Then click on the photos for the answers–and for information about these interesting plants.


Shrimp Plant   Rattlesnake Grass

Silver Sword   Bleeding Heart

Paintbrush   Fairy Slipper

Bleeding-heart, Bleeding Heart, Venus's car, Lady in a bath, Dut

Big Quaking Grass, Great Quaking Grass, Large Quaking Grass, Qua

Fairy Slipper, Calypso Orchid, Venus's slipper, Calypso bulbosa

Haleakala silversword Argyroxiphium sandwicense macrocephalum


Indian Paintbrush, Castilleja miniata

Here are two other fun activities:

1. Chose one or two of the plants above and write a fairy tale about magical “look-alikes.”
2. Make up your own “look-alike” flower. Draw it and name it. Then tell where it lives and give three interesting facts about it.

A red and gold firecracker “pops” amidst its green foliage.

“Look-alikes” Part II

As in Part I, six “look-alike” plants are pictured below. After studying their shapes and colors, try to guess their names. Then click on the photos for the answers–and for information about these intriguing plants.


Trumpet Creeper   Elephanthead

Horsetails   Pitcher Plant

Fairy Duster   Monkshood

White pitcher plant, Crimson Pitcher Plant, Crimson Pitcherplant, Sarracenia leucophylla, Sarracenia drummondii,

Elephanthead Lousewort, Elephant's Head, Pedicularis groenlandic

Baja Fairy Duster, Red Fairy Duster, Calliandra californica

Horsetails, Equisetum sp.

Columbian Monkshood, Aconitum columbianum

Trumpet Vine, Trumpet Creeper, Campsis radicans

Here are more interesting activities:

  1. Write a fairy tale that explains one interesting fact about a “look-alike” plant.
    For Example:
    Perhaps the trumpet creeper was once a small girl who annoyed a wicked witch. Every morning she would wake the witch up by blowing her horn, so the witch turned her into a trumpet creeper flower. The spell can be reversed if a hummingbird comes and drinks from her blossom. (Hummingbirds are attracted to trumpet creepers because of their red color.)
  2. Make up your own “look-alike” flower.
    Name it after one of the following:
    favorite dessert, favorite pet, or favorite sport
    Draw a picture.
    Label the different plant parts: roots, stems, leaves, flowers.

To see more exquisite flowers you can visit  my husband’s and my photography website at:

View my program/author visit video at:



Read or download my school program/author visit brochure at:

Hiker in Borrego Palm Canyon, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, BoAUTHOR PROGRAMS/VISITS BROCHURE