
Here’s an innovative way to delve into nonfiction writing. Have your students create their own websites. After my visit to a third grade class, the inventive teacher, Mrs. Braham did just that.

Her students drew on their own experiences, choosing topics from sewing to soccer to computers to cats. Then, with the technical support of their media specialist, Mr. Pirollo, the children got going on their websites. Their results are showcased on .

I was amazed at the great work of Mrs. Braham’s  students! They honed their nonfiction writing techniques, exercised their creativity, and as Mrs. Braham says, learned how to integrate technology into the curriculum.

Congratulations, children! Thank you for sharing your work! Below is a brief note for each of you. Hope you have lots of reading and writing time this summer.

Zachary: Thank you for teaching me about Chromebooks. 
Vincent: Hope you and your Dad have fun wrestling this summer.
Katie: I love your video about the homeless dog who was rescued.
Maeve: Excellent advice about not overfeeding and not tapping the fish tank–common mistakes.

Alligator Gar
Alligator Gar

Nadia: Great job: narrative opening, lots of cat information, fun captions, and adorable videos.
Caroline: Hope you and your “gaga” have fun “sewing with compassion” this summer.
Richard: What an exciting opening to your homepage. I see you’re a soccer whiz.
Lauren: I loved the section about emotions and the picture of the retrievers hugging.

Canoeing with Pet Dog
Canoeing with Pet Dog

Maeve: Great simile for explaining how to hold the violin bow. Have fun practicing this summer.
Joseph: Thanks for teaching me about all those wrestling moves. But I will take your advice and not try them at home.
Jonathan: I’m glad you didn’t give up after your first year playing basketball. Keep having fun.
Elizabeth: Great job with the Do’s and Don’ts of cat care.
Ismael: Now I know why dogs sniff so much. Have fun with your two pups this summer.
Hayden: You created an interesting introduction, with your narrative and steam train video.

Jupiter Locomotive, Golden Spike National Historic Site, Promontory Summit, Utah
Jupiter Locomotive, Golden Spike National Historic Site, Promontory Summit, Utah

Rebecca: I loved your photos of the snow monkeys hugging and the baby eating the banana. 
Hawa: Wow! After reading about hero dogs I was “blown away.”
Morgan: I hope you keep “doing your best” practicing gymnastics and writing stories.
Paul: That was a hilarious video of the black lab chasing the bubbles.
Vanessa: Excellent job explaining about gymnastic clothing and equipment. 
Christopher: Great simile–comparing the wrestler, Triple H, to a bulldozer.

Thanks again, children and Mrs. Braham. Maybe one day I will be reading your books!


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Hiker in Borrego Palm Canyon, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, BoAUTHOR PROGRAMS/VISITS BROCHURE

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